Pointers & Multidimensional Arrays

I were troubled by the use of pointers to access array in C. I worked on it and created a method to deal with it.

  • array_name is a constant pointer.

It points the first location of the array.

array_name =  &array_name[0]
 *array_name = array_name[0]

Pointers are incremented by its sizeof(type).

array + i = &array_name[0]
 *array + i = array_name[i]
  • 2D Array is an array of constant pointers.

So to access an element


First you have to access constant pointer stored in the i-th location of the array pointed by pointer array_name. So increment array_name by i.


Then you have to access the j-th location of the array pointed by the above pointer.


To get the value of that location use the derefence operator.

  • 3D Array is a 2D array of constant pointers

So to access an element


First you have to access the pointer stored in the i-th location of the array pointed by the pointer array_name.


Then you have to access the j-th element in that array


Which itself is a pointer. Increment it k times to get the k-th location.


Then derefernce it to get the value of that location.


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