Debugging your node application using the Chrome Dev-Tools interface

We can make use of the power of Chrome Dev-Tools for debugging your node applications. NPM has module  for that called ‘node-inspector’.

Node allows a remote debugging by exposing a debugging port that third-party modules and tools can hook into (including the built-in debugger).  And node-inspector makes use of it. It ties the debugging information from Node into the Chrome DevTools interface.

To set up node-inspector, simply install it(globally):

npm install node-inspector -g

Now we can fire it up by running following command:


Now node-inspector is ready to roll and will tell you where to reach it(URL). Browse it to it with Chrome.

Now just run your application with:

node --debug appName.js

But this debugger doesn’t automatically break on the first expression. To enable that you have to run following command.

node --debug-brk appName.js

Reading command line arguments & User input in nodeJS.

If you want to write a console script in NodeJS, which takes a command line argument and ask the user some questions, how you are going to do it?

How can you access the input/output stream? Where can you find the argument vector?

Node’s global object process has two properties called .stdin and .stdout, which are essentially streams. You can write things into the stdout and listen to the ‘data’ event in the stdin stream. You need to call that .resume() method first, it initializes the STDIN reading process.

process.stdin.on('data', function (chunk) {
	process.stdout.write('data: ' + chunk);

It is pretty straightforward, but it’s almost useless when you need to ask the user several questions, async nature of javascript is going to screw you.

The basic trouble here is that .on(‘data’ handler that will fire every time the user hits the Enter, so you’ll have to figure out which question is currently asked and where to put the data.

Fortunately for us, there is another event handler in NodeJS called ‘.once’ it’s basically same as ‘.on’, but it detaches the listener after the first event received. Knowing that, we can write a little helper function.

function ask(question, format, callback) {
	var stdin = process.stdin;
	var stdout = process.stdout;

	stdout.write(question + ": ");

	stdin.once('data', function(data) {
		data = data.toString().trim();
		if (format.test(data)) {
		} else {
			stdout.write("It should match: " + format + "\n");
			ask(question, format, callback);

ask("Name", /.+/, function (name) {
	ask("Email", /^.+@.+$/, function (email) {
		console.log("Your name is: " + name);
		console.log("Your email is: " + email);

Note that you should call .toString() and .trim() on your data, the first one to convert the data from a stream into an actual string, the second one is needed because the string will have a trailing new line symbol at the end after the user hits the Enter key. And don’t forget to call the process.exit() when you done.

To read command line arguments, you can find the  argument vector in process object. Here the first element is node, second element is the file and rest will be arguments. Try out the following code snippet.

process.argv.forEach(function (val, index, array) {
  console.log(index + ': ' + val);